Friday, February 16, 2007

my life and the divine.

So i was thinking about fate, and faith this morning, and how I hadn't thought about them at all lately. How much that bothers me.
And I'm wandering around my apartment to discover a taoism book that stevi got me for christmas, and I opened it up to a page that says there is no fate. This really upset me, caused me to want to yell at the book.
I've lost sight of my goals and what I demand out of life lately, and have failed to appreciatte what is in front of me, and what it is that I love. I've just been going with the motions.
That nonchalance is not an accurate expression of who I am.
So...I'm giving myself the next few weeks to get my shit together and start making things happen for me.
I'll make my own fate.


Casey Kochmer said...

Your last line

I'll make my own fate.

can also be the truth of learning Taoism.

To be yourself is to be your own fate.

Taoism will not give many straight answers since Taoism is a path of being yourself. And no rule books nor guidebooks pop out the womb at birth to define us neatly .

Which means be yourself, be your own fate.

Nicely put!

Sarah said...

where are you?
feels like forever since i've been around you.

reallyrelyay said...

I've actually been looking into taoism lately, so it's quite the coincedence that you stumbled across me.

I've read the tao te ching a long time ago, I'll give it another read soon.
Thank you very much.