Friday, March 24, 2006

Debbie isn't so much a downer.

Debbie is my car for those of you who don't know.
Her name is debbie because she got sideswiped three weeks after purchase.
Anyway, I went on a joyride with Ted last night which started at 11, went til 2 a.m (we both had to wake up at 6a.m. folks) and was by far the best joyride I have gone on in a long time.
I take alot of joyrides by myself usually. I seldom take people with me. Some people have places that they go to think, i just drive, or walk as it may be. If I had a bike i would probably ride it too. Does that qualify me as an escapist? I think it has alot to do with the fact that I moved around so much when I was younger. Because alot of my best childhood memories involve moving (i mean it's not like i didn't move often enough) or road trips.
Ted was phenomenal company.
I hope to see more of him.

ps: do-gooder isaac brought his girlfriend in a couple weeks ago, and shes a ray of sunshine as well.

pps: la viva est bella.