Friday, June 13, 2008

The smell of cardboard does not scare me. The sound of packing tape being peeled off the roll stirs nothing in me.
Unlike many young women at the age of 21 relocating is nothing new to me. I've moved well over a dozen times now. It's as natural as shaking a foot that has fallen asleep, and then walking it off. Sure, it stings at first, but soon enough it all feels well again, and you're no longer limping.

The adjustment into adulthood that I find daunting.

We all hear about the "real world" our entire lives. Warnings of a sort. "That's life kid" "Just wait til you get to the real world." "C'est la vie" But there are things that aren't mentioned.

They make us take classes in college for art history, the classics, english, math, the sciences...nobody tells you specifically what to wear to an interview with a more informal company. One that you have to balance looking hip and professional for. No one tells you how to manage the stress of graduating college, moving across the country, saying goodbye to your family and friends and creating a new life from scratch.

But can things like that really be taught? When do we have to start trusting ourselves? Starting from nothing? Wear what makes you comfortable, rather than worrying about what judgements will be cast upon you? At what point do I get to be judged off of more than just a piece of paper?