Monday, August 14, 2006

What does your coffee table literature say about you?

Last night was laborious in Apt. 4.
Our mission: coffee table.
SIDENOTE: naturally the two baristas purchase a coffee table before buying anyother living room or kitchen furniture, right?

So we accomplished our mission, (we'll neglect the fact that it's still kind of wobbly, we are suffering from a power tool famine.)
Stevi and then immediately christened our new investment with a stack of coffee table books.

If I were someone, and I was waiting for us in the living room I would have one of two reactions to our coffee table books.

1. Wow these girls suffer from multiple personality disorder
and or
2. Wow these girls are completely badass.

We have
Where's Waldo- the newest one, meant for entertainment for hours on end.
Post Secret- a collection of secrets sent in on anonymous post cards
The Mane Thing- a book with everything you've ever needed to know about hair care
The St. Martin's Guide to Writing- Stevi didn't know where else to put it.
Design it Yourself- A book I picked up that teaches you how to make everything from clothing, to paper, to books, to websites

In other news
I picked up this book which is a collection of letters by Senor Jack Kerouac, which I was really looking forward to. Being a letter enthusiast, and a J.K. enthusiast, I figured it would be right up my alley.
Dissapointment was awaiting me however, because the editor of the book must have been ridiculously lazy. He included pretty much every letter ever.
including the letters Jack sent to almost complete strangers asking them if they would mail his manuscripts to his publisher.
why the hell would I want to read that?
I was expecting brain revolutions, letter upon meaningful letter.
I guess I just assumed that most fantastic writers made everything they wrote golden.
So if you want to read a book of letters, don't read that one. I encourage you to read "Letters to a Young Poet" by Rainer Maria Rilke, which will indeed change your life for the better.

I apologize if this blog is boring.