Wednesday, September 06, 2006

One Liners

Newg saves money on pomade by only washing his hair every three to four days. It's true. He just told me.
One could also assume that this also saves him money on shampoo.
Every year I collect one liners that my teachers say in classes, and write them all down to laugh at later. I have a pretty good collection going. Honestly you would not believe what some professors say. Don't worry I'm not citing anyone. Taken out of context some of these could completely be mis-interpreted, and I like all of these professors.
So here are some:

"It's alot easier to believe in God when you have guns"
"If you don't want the gorilla to get through the wall, then don't put a gorilla sized door on the wall."
"stay away from dialect...unless you're Mark Twain."
Newg improved on this: Yes I agree, sometimes even when you're Mark Twain.
"If only the government knew how I used my grant money."
"Hey, Let go of my tennis shoes."
"I really don't understand why college students don't watch teletubbies when they are high."
"How do you spell E.T?"

In other news.
I try to do a random act of kindness every day. On lazy days I just hold open the door for people.
Today was a lazy day.
I was on my way into the RB building for lit class and proceeded to hold open the door for two young men who were approaching. And then two more young men came, and then three, and two more...and pretty much I found myself stuck there for a solid two or three minutes holding open the door for people. I felt like a lawn jockey. As illustrated. I was stranded there. Newg's friend Amanda came by and gave me a pity face followed by a "oh honey."
Luckily I counted, and I'm counting my good deed for the rest of the week because I literally held open the door for thirty people.

In other news, this week I get to cross off three more things off of my imposing list of things to do before I die, so now I only have 95 more life goals. Tomorrow I have a 1.professional photoshoot and a 2.magazine interview for the school's weekly installation of 72 hours. Today I had my first 3. harp lesson. And I really took a liking to it. I can't wait to practice tomorrow. Luckily for me I already have calluses from piano-ing and barista-ing, so my hands are pretty much made for it.
I've never been so excited to play scales before.

I'm procrastinating by writing this so I'm going to get back to work.