Monday, November 13, 2006

i know you're reading this

It has come to my attention that people are actually reading this, occasionally when bored.
not even necessarily people I know very well. I'm talking to facebook stalkers. Which is cool, I mean, I'm the one who put a link to this up there.
But you're all being creepy by not saying anything, and just reading. That's really stalker-ish.
So if you're shadowing me, atleast let me know. Give me feed back, I'd appreciatte it.
If you're just reading this, and not saying anythng because you think I'll be weirded out that youre reading it at all, you're wrong.
You reading is equivalent to being the creepy kid who sat behind you in fourth grade and breathed to hard, making you ever aware of his presence.
I forget his name, but that's of no consequence, we all knew that kid. He was friends with the guy who ate paste waaaay longer than necessary.
Don't be that guy.


Sarah said...

damn it.

you caught me.

i eat paste.

reallyrelyay said...


Tim McDowell said...

I just read your entire blog. I was a fan of your This Story work. I went searching for your solo work. I've never had the pleasure. I found this instead, nice. You wrenched my heart out with Freewrite.